Thursday 27 August 2009

Caffeine: A healthy habit

Even today, legends citing coffee as a harmful beverage garner belief. The truth is that coffee, in and of itself, is completely innocuous. The important thing is to consume it in moderate amounts. Like all psychoactive substances, it cannot be take in excessive doses, but daily consumption does not lead to addiction over the long term. Studies show that 2-4 cups of coffee a day are beneficial and have no harmful effect.

The first Biopharmacology Symposium on coffee was held in Venice in October 1970. In October 1971, the second one was held in Florence and in 1972 the third one was held in Vietri sul Mare, to supplement and complete the discussion on the properties of the active substances in coffee, clearly confirming its positive effects and discrediting the prejudices diffused in the past.During these conventions, experts in the fields of diet, nutrition and human physiology examined the therapeutic activity of coffee, a beverage that, in a society like ours, helps battle physical and mental stress, a characteristic of our era.From a nutritional standpoint, coffee is not indispensable for our organism.

Nevertheless, some of the substances in it have beneficial effects on our organs.Coffee is considered "nervine", meaning that it is a substance that acts on our nerve centres, triggering a feeling of general well-being, helping us be more awake and active on the job, not only on a physical level but above all in terms of faster reflexes. This stimulation is due to "caffeine", combined with caffetannic acid (a blend of various acids, including chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid).

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